
Forming an Alliance

  • Each player can form an Alliance, automatically becoming its first Leader.
  • Every alliance can accept up to 50 members.
  • Every member that has left or has been kicked out of his alliance can come back only once.

Alliance Structure

  • All members are divided into 4 groups - Leaders’ Wing, Officers’ Wing, Ordinary members and Novices.
  • All members can exchange messages in the Tribune. Only Leaders and Officers can send alliance announcements. Every assignment in the Officers’ or Leaders’ Wing is active for at least 42 hours, i.e. you can’t change your alliance position if the last time you were promoted was less than 42 hours ago.
  • Every alliance has an Alliance Treasury which serves for developing Technology researches (affecting all members), at а price in the 4 types of resources, and for declaring wars, at а price in gold.
    • Alliance Technologies and Buildings are lined in a queue.
    • A Building construction or a Technology research can be instantly completed at the cost of Diamonds, if there are less then 48 hours left to its completion.
    • The price for instant research for 1 hour is 10200 diamonds (510 diamonds per hour x 20 coefficient).
    • The price for instant building for 1 hour is 1700 diamonds (170 diamonds per hour x 10 coefficient).
  • All members except for novices can deposit resource in the Alliance Treasury. Once deposited, the resource can’t be withdrawn by the player, and it remains for the Alliance.
  • Allies pay taxes, determined by the Leader, First Officer or Finance Officer. Alliance taxes could be from 0% to 30% of the member’s four resource production per hour.
  • All members except for novices can see how much resource the other members deposited in the Alliance Treasury.
  • Members of the same alliance can’t attack each other.
  • A player can join the same alliance just twice.

Alliance Positions


  • Basic bonus - 10 points morale. Though, this bonus’ fullness depends on the Leader’s Loyalty Status in the Alliance.
  • The Leader can see all economic* and army reports of the members, as well as all army movements inside the Alliance.

    * They consist of: population (hired / dismissed), population growth per hour, population limit, the limit after which growth begins to slow down, available resources, capital in the treasury, production per hour (for each and every of the resources), army upkeep per hour, tax rate and Happiness level.

  • The Leader orders Аlliance Technologies research in exchange of Alliance Treasury resources.
  • Assigns, promotes and dismisses members from the Officers’ Wing.
  • Accepts and throws Alliance members out.
  • Declares Hostility, signs NAPs and Unions with other alliances.
  • Declares war to other alliances.
  • Exacts Alliance tax from all members.
  • Sets the common and/or individual quotas for drawing diamonds out of the alliance treasury.

First Officer

  • The First officer has all rights the Leader has except kicking the Leader out of the Аlliance.
  • The First Officer is appointed by the Leader but he can as well decide not to appoint one.

Finance Officer

  • Basic bonus: using the Marketplace with 50% lower fixed trade commission, i.e. 5%. The actual worth of the bonus depends on player’s Loyalty Status in the Alliance.
  • He sees the economic and battle reports of all members.
  • He can set members’ taxes.

Science Officer

  • Basic bonus – research time is 20% shorter than the common one, but the extent of this bonus depends on his Loyalty Status in the Alliance.
  • Science Officer’s University level has an impact on the price of Alliance Technologies (decreases it by 0,02 per level). Therefore, the most reasonable solution is to hire at that position the ally with the highest University level. It should be borne in mind, though, that Science Officer’s Loyalty status bonus affects the research time of Alliance Technologies too, so replacing a Science Officer in second or third Loyalty status with a new one, might result in research time increase instead of decrease.
  • He sees the economic and battle reports of all members.
  • He can also order Alliance Technologies.

Construction Officer

  • Basic bonus – construction time is 20% shorter than the common one, but this bonus’ integrity depends on his Loyalty Status in the Alliance.
  • Construction Officer Architecture level has an impact on Alliance Buildings’ price (Alliance Castle and the buildings in it), decreases it by 0,02 per level. Therefore, the most reasonable solution is to hire at that position the ally with the highest Architecture level. It should be borne in mind, though, that Construction Officer’s Loyalty status bonus affects the construction time of alliance buildings too, so replacing a Construction Officer in second or third Loyalty status with a new one, might result in construction time increase instead of decrease.
  • He sees the economic and battle reports of all members.
  • He can also order the construction of Alliance Buildings.

Diplomacy Officer

  • He has a pre-fixed bonus of +4 daily Honor points for realms with speed x4 and +10 daily Honor points for realms with speed x10 but only in the second and third Loyalty Status stage.
  • Accepts new members and can expel alliance members, except for the leader and the first officer.
  • He sees the economic and battle reports of all members.
  • He is the one in charge of alliance diplomacy, seeking new alliance members, negotiating treaties, etc.

Commanding Officer

  • Each Commanding Officer in the Alliance can have maximum 5 alliance members in their group.
  • Basic bonus – 10 Morale points, more, less or exactly 10 – this depends on the Loyalty Status.
  • Commanding Officers see all available armies inside their group and all economic and battle reports of all members.
  • They are also in charge of all alliance troops’ movement.
  • All Commanding Officers can send mass messages to the whole alliance.

Ordinary Members and Novices

Ordinary members have no special rights or bonus.

The Leader can form groups of ordinary members and hire a member of the Officers’ Wing or the Leaders’ Wing to manage them, reserving himself the right to change groups’ composition and move members from one to another division. The players in a group have an easier communication within the respective division, as they can send mass messages.

Novices are players who have joined the alliance but have not been approved by the leader yet. They have limited access to alliance menus but still benefit from the alliance researches. They pay taxes like the rest of the members but can’t vote in elections. Once approved by the leader, novices become ordinary members.

Electing a Leader

Every player can nominate himself up to 4 times for leader.

While the vote is still active, he can not be kicked out of the Alliance.

Voting goes for 24 hours, all members except for novices have the right to vote using their net worth points.

Loyalty Status

Determines how loyal towards Alliance’s cause each member is. The Loyalty is calculated based on the time spent in the Alliance. Novices do not gain any type of loyalty.

It’s divided into three stages:

  • From day 1 to day 7.5 in the Alliance – ordinary members are Rookies, and those of the Leaders’ or Officers’ Wing - Junior Leader or Junior Officer, respectively.
  • From day 7.5 to day 30 in the Alliance – ordinary members are Veterans, and those of Leaders’ or Officers’ Wing - Leader or Officer, respectively.
  • From day 30 until the end of the season – Allies of the Leaders’ or Officers’ Wing are Senior Leader or Senior Officer, respectively. There is no change in the Loyalty Status for ordinary members.

Loyalty stages define the basic individual bonus extent of those who have one as it follows:

Abandoning the Alliance and joining it again or changing the position inside the same Alliance resets these bonuses and the Loyalty status timer is restarted.

  • From day 1 to day 7.5 - 50% the basic individual bonus (if there is any) of all of Junior Leaders and Junior Officers.
  • From day 7.5 to day 30 - 100% the basic individual bonus for Leaders and Officers.
  • From day 30 until the end of the season - 150% the basic individual bonus only for members of the Leaders’ and Officers’ Wing.

Alliance Growth

A gameplay module, which allows Alliance members to form internal groups, which can work together to create different bonuses and benefit the entire Alliance.
The module replaces the Commanders’ groups and will require a minimum of 20 active Alliance members, in order to be activated.
If Alliance members drop below 20 afterwards, the Growth Module will remain active.


• The Alliance Leader can add or remove members to groups;
• Each group is led by an Alliance Officer. Alliance officers can add or remove members only to their groups;
• If there is an alliance position without an appointed Officer to it, the respective group cannot be formed until an Officer is assigned;
• A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 members can be assigned in each group, including the Officer in charge;
• Group members participate with their earned points in the Leagues Rankings, reaching steps with them, in order to generate bonuses for the entire Alliance;
• If a member gets removed from the group, he will lose the progress of all steps he had reached.
• These bonuses can be different for each step. If a step is completed, a ritual starts, which automatically grants the bonus to all Alliance members;
• The bonus’ duration is 48 hours;

List of Alliance Groups and their bonuses:

Technological group - led by the Science Officer

Its members contribute and complete milestones with their technological points in the Technologies Ranking. The 4 bonuses, which can be chosen, are:
1. Military Research price decrease;
2. Military Research time decrease;
3. Civil Research price decrease;
4. Civil Research time decrease;

Build group - led by the Construction Officer

Its members contribute and complete milestones with their build points in the Buildings Ranking. The 4 bonuses, which can be chosen, are:
1. Military Buildings prices decrease;
2. Military Buildings time decrease;
3. Civil Buildings prices decrease;
4. Civil Buildings time decrease;

Economic Group - led by Finance Officer

Its members contribute and complete milestones with their Prosperity points in the Economic Ranking. The 4 bonuses, which can be chosen, are:
1. Wood income increase;
2. Iron income increase;
3. Stone income increase;
4. Gold income increase;

Diplomatic Group - led by the Diplomacy Officer

Its members contribute and complete milestones with their Imperial Reach in the respective Ranking. The 4 bonuses, which can be chosen, are:
1. All Remote Holdings founding and all Vassal levels price decrease;
2. All Remote Holdings founding times decrease;
3. Special Resources Colonies effects increase (except for Yew, Coal, Horseshoe, Granite and Diamonds);
4. Special Resources Trade Post effects increase (except for Yew, Coal, Horseshoe, Granite and Diamonds);

Leader’s Battle group - led by the Alliance Leader

Its members contribute and complete milestones with their Battle Rating in the Military Ranking. The 4 bonuses, which can be chosen, are:
1. Archers’ attack increase;
2. Infrantry’s attack increase;
3. Cavalry’s attack increase;
4. All human military units’ hitpoints increase;

* All bonuses of Leader’s Battle group affect the alliance army.

First Officer’s Battle group - led by the Alliance First Officer

Its members contribute and complete milestones with their Battle Rating from the Military Ranking. The 4 bonuses, which can be chosen, are:
1. Army training time decrease;
2. Army’s traveling time decrease (applies to the final time, after all other bonuses/penalties);
3. Enemy army’s morale decrease (applies the same way as Dragon’s Blockade wonder)
4. Fortress’ hitpoints increase (applies to final amount, after all other bonuses/penalties);

* Army’s traveling time decrease, Enemy army’s morale decrease and Fortress’ hitpoints increase bonuses of First Officer’s Battle group affect the alliance army.

Alliance Rally Point

An Alliance Rally Point can be founded by the leader or the first officer with double click on whichever spot on the Global map if it is not a spot occupied by an empire or a special resource terrain. There is a fixed time of 15 minutes for creating a Rally Point.

No resources are needed for the foundation, no army is needed for the conquest. The only requirements are minimum 5 000 000 total sum of allies’ net worth points (not required in the Blitz Masters realms) and at least 1 Alliance administration level, as one level of this Technology allows the foundation of two Rally points.

Its function is to gather all alliance army in a convenient point of departure in case of a military mission for Alliance Castle conquest, Alliance Castle attack or enemy Rally point attack.

A Rally point has Fortress (up to level 9, starting with 0), towers and moat. A defeat in defense costs one Fortress level. When the Fortress level reach 0, the Rally point is considered destroyed. If, even after the defeat, there is still alliance army it returns to a random other Rally point or Alliance Castle. If there isn’t such, a system Rally point is generated near the leader’s empire and the alliance army is sent there.

It can be assaulted either by the gathered armies of another Alliance Castle or Rally Point with no limitations for net worth points of range. However, the attacking army can not consist of more than 3 000 000 units (7 000 000 in realms with active Army specialization). All Siege Engines count as a number of units equal to their Operating Crew. The Leader and the First Officers can destroy their own Rally Point on condition that there is no army in it or there is no army traveling from or towards it. When a Rally Point gets destroyed, net point gained from its foundation get lost.

There is a 3-hour attack free period after the foundation.

The unloading of donated or relocated alliance troops is executed every minute, whereas the unloading of alliance troops returning from an offensive mission and the calculation of all alliance battles is executed instantly right after the goal is reached and the timer shows 00:00:00.

Alliance army donation

All members except for novices can donate army to a Rally point or Alliance Castle.

The donation is executed via Global map. Minimal travel time is 2.5 minutes.

The maximum amount of donated units either for a Rally point or for a Castle is 3 000 000 (7 000 000 in realms with active Army specialization.)

If the number of donated units is bigger than the number of units left to be donated, the slots are filled in proportionally.

The donated army upkeep while still traveling to the targeted Rally point or Castle is paid by the donator. The troops become alliance property at the moment of their unload when the net worth points won with the recruitment are removed from donator’s current net worth points and are added to alliance value points. Once donated, the troops cannot be recalled.

Upkeep of alliance troops on a mission - x1.2.

Alliance Castle

Along with the spots, aimed for foundation of colonies and Rally Points, the Global Map disposes of other 9 spots too – of a different type and extremely important. These are destined for Alliance Castle construction.

Allows Alliance buildings construction – ordinary and special buildings. The special ones guarantee the Alliance progressive expansion of cultural and military influence, territorially distributed through the Global Map.

Alliance Castle features:

  • Fortresses
    Level Price (GE) Stone Wood Hit points Garrison Max. number long ranged siege machines Towers Moat
    1 11 500 10 000 1 500 1 056 000 550 80 5 10
    2 46 000 40 000 6 000 2 112 000 1 100 160 10 10
    3 184 000 160 000 24 000 4 224 000 2 200 300 20 10
    4 736 000 640 000 96 000 8 448 000 4 400 600 30 10
    5 2 944 000 2 560 000 384 000 16 896 000 8 800 1 200 40 10
    6 11 776 000 10 240 000 1 536 000 33 792 000 17 600 2 500 60 10
    7 47 104 000 40 960 000 6 144 000 67 584 000 35 200 5 000 100 10
    8 188 416 000 163 840 000 24 576 000 135 168 000 70 400 10 000 140 10
    9 753 664 000 655 360 000 98 304 000 270 336 000 140 800 20 000 180 10
    10 3 014 656 000 2 621 440 000 393 216 000 540 672 000 281 600 40 000 240 10
    11 12 058 624 000 10 485 760 000 1 572 864 000 811 008 000 563 200 80 000 240 10
  • Field Fortifications

    Each level grants +5% defending field army hit points. Maximum level - 15.

  • The Great Temple

    Increases the Alliance Castle range of cultural and military influence by certain radius* per level. The rise has fading nature i.e. with every following level the difference between two levels is smaller compared with the previous one. A Castle with 1st level of Great Temple has range 77.76 radius, with 2nd level - 125.47, with 3rd level - 170.33, with 4th level - 212.49 and so on until reaching the last level, 32, which grants range 756.19 radius.

    *1 radius = 1 Point (Imperial mile)

From an Alliance Castle can be sent attacks upon other Alliance Castles or Rally points.

Controlling an Alliance Castle raises the limit of resources that members can donate voluntarily to 20% of player’s current gold equivalent of net worth points.

Alliance influence

Тhe unique Alliance Castle feature.

The Alliance Castle is founded with influence range 27, then it is upgraded and its range consequently expanded over the surrounding territories, by constructing and upgrading the special building, Great Temple, available in it.

The control of the Central castle could reach 44% in case it doesn’t overlap other’s castle influence.

If the influence range of one Castle overlaps with that of another, the Castle with more developed Great temple, consequently the one with larger range, appropriates the smaller Castle range part that is overlapped. If both castles have the same special building levels, the overlapped zone becomes neutral until one of the castles reaches level superiority. Neutral zone is a overlapped one whose total radius is divided into 2 equal parts and added to each alliance’s overall range and all empires located in the respective zone lose their daily bonuses applied to the production, morale and happiness. No matter how massive the overlapping of radius circles is, the first, inner, circle of someone’s influence range can never be taken away.

Alliance or Federation members whose empires are located in the influence range of their own or allies’ Castle benefit from 5% production bonus, +5 daily happiness bonus with global effect and +5 morale bonus. In a war all empires located in the enemy influence range have 5% lower production, -5 daily happiness minus with global effect and -5 morale.

An attack sent from an Alliance Castle can be destined only to another Alliance Castle or Rally Point, without any net worth points range limits.

In Blitz Master realms and Parallel universe the occupation of an alliance castle is happening through the module Allegiance. There are 36 castles on the map. Castles expand their area of influence through the construction of Great Temple; however, their influence is not accounted for as a percentage of map area retained, but as the accumulation of Influence Points instead: 1 account / Exclusive Zone / Capital within the influence area of an Alliance Castle = 1 Influence Point. Successful fortress sieges against an alliance castle do not drop levels from its fortress but take away points from the new indicator allegiance. Each castle has a maximum allowed allegiance according to the level of its fortress. The only way to increase allegiance is through time – 1 point is recovered every 12 minutes for speed x10, every 30 minutes for speed x4, until the maximum is reached. When an alliance conducts a successful fortress siege against a castle a certain amount of allegiance is taken from the castle. The exact amount of allegiance taken depends on a the alliance technology – Conqueror. The higher its level the more allegiance points can be taken in a single hit. A castle is considered taken when an alliance manages to reduce its allegiance to 0. This technology has a second type of effect – it determines the starting allegiance of a newly taken castle – be it independent or conquered from other alliance. The independent castles don’t have allegiance, an independent castle is conquered when less than 1000 military units are left in it. In order to conquer a castle, which is already occupied by a rival alliance, the alliance should have at least 1 level of Conqueror researched.

Conquering an Independent Castle

Even before being conquered, the castle has a fortress, army and garrison, i.e. conquering an independent castle requires a battle conducted by an Alliance army, deployed in a Rally Point or in another already controlled Alliance Castle. The terms and the mechanics of that kind of battle are the same as those between individual players. When alliance army attacks, morale points of the Leader are considered and the levels of Melee Attack, Range Attack, Armor and Fortification are considered according to the following formula: Leader’s level + First officer’s level/2 + each alliance commander’s level/5 + the alliance technology’s current level. Тhe levels of War horses and Siege upgrades are considered according to the following formula: Leader’s level + First officer’s level/2 + each alliance commander’s level/5. The effect of the technology could not exceed 100 (example: Leader has level 30 of Melee Attack, First officer has level 20, 5 alliance commanders have level 10, the level of alliance Attack technology is 5, so the calculation goes 30 + 20/2 + (5х10)/5 + 5 = 30 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 55). All members’ special resource bonuses, if there are any, take effect but without accumulation of equal bonuses, i.e. if there are 2 or more bonuses of the same type, only one of them, the biggest, is accounted.
The effect of alliance Espionage and Counter-Espionage is calculated according to the same formula, explained above, by which the military alliance technologies are calculated. The effect of the technologies is limited to level 100.

Attacking an Independent Castle, in order to conquer it, has no net worth points range limits.

The independent castle has fortress 8, garrisoned archers and field army, visible by clicking on the castle. The fortress level doesn’t drop by one after each successful attack, it remains 8. The castle is conquered when less than 1000 military units are left in it. The fortress in the recently conquered castle has to be build starting by level 1.

Attacking an Alliance Castle

Alliance Castle can be attacked only by armies deployed in another Alliance Castle or in an Alliance Rally Point.

It can be attacked by an alliance army consisting of not more than 3 000 000 military units (7 000 000 in realms with active Army specialization), as Siege Engines count as a number of units equal to their Operating Crew (only on condition that it is already controlled by one alliance).

There is a 3-hour attack free period from its conquest.

A lost Fortress siege in an alliance holding implies that the whole remaining garrison will get deployed on the field.

A Castle is destroyed when its Fortress level reaches 0 (each defensive defeat drops the Fortress level by 1). Then the owner becomes the alliance aggressor, which can continue the influence range expansion by paying 20% of the invested resources in the Great Temple by the previous alliance; if this price hasn’t been paid in the next 24 hours upon the conquest, the level reaches 0.

The unloading of donated or relocated alliance troops is executed every minute, whereas the unloading of alliance troops returning from an offensive mission and the calculation of all alliance battles is executed instantly right after the goal is reached and the timer shows 00:00:00.

The number of alliance attacks that can be sent simultaneously to alliance holdings depends on the level of the military doctrine of the leader, with the number of allowed attacks being the level of the leader’s military doctrine x2.

Winner of the realm

A realm ends on a date previously fixed and announced by Game of Emperors administration. Whichever alliance reaches highest influence on this end date will become the winner of the realm. In case no alliance has reached any influence on the end date, the alliance with highest net worth will be the winner of the realm.

Alliance Standings

There are 5 different levels of standings between two Alliances. They can be seen by members of the alliance only. The Alliances start their development with Neutral Standing Status by default. However, they can change it at any point by declaring hostility or war to an enemy Alliance, with no need for confirmation in response, or by sending an invitation for a Non Aggression Pact or Peace Treaty, which requires an obligatory retorted confirmation.

Peace Treaty

  • The Alliances that have signed a Peace Treaty form a Federation.
  • If alliance “A” and alliance “B” have formed a Federation and alliance “C” declares war to “B”, then “A” has the right to declare war to “C” tax free. On the other hand, if 2 alliances inside a Federation start a war the Federation members may choose a side or stay neutral.
  • Alliances, united by a Peace Treaty, cannot declare war on each other.

Non Aggression Pact (NAP)

  • Guarantees that no attacks will occur between the involved sides.
  • In order for a war to be declared, NAP has to be suspended.


  • The default status of every Alliance.
  • If an Alliance declares war on a neutral Alliance, all members of the Aggressor lose 4 Honor points and the standing between both Alliances becomes automatically hostile after the war.
  • Every single change in the standing generates a private message for all the involved sides.


  • This standing allows war declaration without any consequences for the Honor.
  • The Hostility is active right after its declaration.

Alliance Wars

Terms of the War

  • Wars can be conducted between two Alliances, as well as between entire Federations.
  • The War has a fixed length of 42 hours, after which a winner is determined based on the total damage that was caused during the war.
  • The war becomes active 4 hours after its declaration.
  • Fortress sieges and Pillages in net worth points range up to x5 are not sanctioned with Honor losses.
  • No attack can last for less than 10 minutes. If the target is reachable for 5 minutes, mission will last for 10 minutes sharp. Military and transport missions between annexed provinces while you are attacked by an enemy alliance, take 1.25 minutes.
  • In a war each province can be pillaged every 21 hours.
  • Attacking out of the allowed range of net worth points x2 in a war does not take Honor points away, but Morale and attack parameter do drop following the exact same pattern of out of range in a non-war period.
  • Counter-espionage of the players in a war is artificially increased by 1 level, but only during the war.
  • In a war, all capitulations between members of the fighting alliances are abolished.
  • An Alliance can declare 1 war every 6 hours.
  • Declaring a war takes 10 Happiness points away of every Aggressor’s member.
  • For a war to be declared:
    • If the aggressor alliance and the defender alliance are not out of net worth points range x2, the aggressor has to pay a tax in gold worth 5 times the net worth points of the aggressor alliance. If the alliances are out of the allowed range x2, the aggressor pays a tax, based on the net worth points of both sides – for every 0,1 difference above the allowed range x2, the tax is increased by 0,5 gold per net worth point.
    • The net worth points’ sums of both involved sides should not exceed range x5.
    • The Alliances must have at least 5000 (total), in order to be involved in a war.
  • War goals
    • To elevate yours Alliance in the Ranking.
    • To win resources equal to 50% of the annihilated enemy units’ gold equivalent* during the war. The war income is given at the end, as it is in wood and iron, to those players, part of the Alliance winner, who participated in the battles. The alliance that lost the war will also receive war income equal to 25% of the annihilated enemy units’ gold equivalent during the war.

      To win Glory points for the Glory ranking. Glory points are received after each war, depending on the performance of the alliances. They are calculated by a formula based on the net points of the members of the fighting alliances and the military points made for the specific war. The more successful the war, the more glory points the winner will receive, but if the victorious alliance significantly exceeds the net points of the losing alliance, the Glory points it would gain would be less than if it defeats an equal or stronger opponent.

      By participating in alliance wars, the participating alliances can also obtain Fragments of Greatness, which are necessary to start Alliance events.

      * The gold equivalent of the net worth points received for the recruitment of those units, and not the gold equivalent of the resources spent for their recruitment.

      NB! No war income is accounted for destroyed fortresses and pillaged population.

  • Determining the winner of the war
    • Once a war is started, both Alliances begin to collect military points by attacking each other.
    • The attacks of all members are summed up to make the Alliance score.
    • At the end of the 42 hours whichever alliance has collected more points will be the winner.
  • Points can be earned in three ways:
    • Destroying enemy Fortresses
      Fortress Level Military Points
      1 1
      2 2
      3 3
      4 4
      5 8
      6 16
      7 32
      8 64
      9 128
    • Successful Field Battles - All army units killed in a filed battle bring points. Army worth 5000 gold is equal to 1 point.
    • Pillage – Every 1000 villagers killed bring 1 point.
  • Winner’s full military points’ number goes to the Alliance Ranking and the loser’s one – just 25%.
  • If members of the aggressor alliance, with sum of net worth points more than 50% of the altogether number of net worth points, end up in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection, the alliance loses automatically the war. If more than 50% of the alliance net worth point belong to a single member and he leaves the alliance, the aggressor alliance loses automatically the war.
  • If members of the defender alliance, with sum of net worth points more than 75% of the altogether number of net worth points, end up in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection, the defender loses automatically the war. If more than 75% of the alliance net worth point belong to a single member and he leaves the alliance, the defender alliance loses automatically the war. The aggressor receives 50% of the paid war tax back.

    NB! These percentages of current inactiveness are applied on the total alliance net worth not on the net worth of active (not in Vacation mod/Holidays protection) members.

    Example 1: If the total alliance net worth is 10 000 000 and 5 000 001 of these are in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection, the alliance cannot declare war. If the total alliance net worth is 10 000 000 and 7 500 001 of these are in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection, no war can be declared to this alliance.

    Example 2: If the total aggressor/defender alliance net worth is 10 000 000 and 5 000 000 / 7 500 000 of these are in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection before the war declaration, then if after the war has begun even one more member activates Vacation mode/Holidays or leaves/is thrown out of the alliance, the aggressor/defender alliance loses the war. After the war has begun, the current activeness of both alliances is dynamic, meaning that its value, which the percentages leading to a possible loss are applied on, is affected by both deactivation/expiration of Vacation mode/Holidays protection and expulsion/voluntary leaving the alliance.

    Example 3: If the total alliance net worth at the time of war declaration is 6 000 000 then the alliance will need 3 000 001 points ending up in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection in order to lose the war as an aggressor and 4 500 001 points to lose it as a defender. If alliance net worth at the time of the war declaration is 6 000 000 and 1 000 000 points leave the alliance/are expelled from the alliance, then the current activeness value becomes 5 000 000 and the alliance will need 2 500 001 points ending up in Vacation mode and/or Holidays protection in order to lose the war as an aggressor and 3 750 001 points to lose it as a defender.

    Example 4:If the alliance’s net worth points from all members is 5 000 000 from which 2 500 001 points belong to a single member and he leaves the alliance, the alliance loses the war automatically as an aggressor; an automatic loss is registered for the defender alliance if the member who leaves it has 3 750 001 points.

  • Winning a war guarantees 10 Happiness points each player.

Alliance Treasury and Technologies

Every Аlliance has a Treasury where funds are accumulated either as a result of the individual members’ tax or by voluntary deposits. Tax is set in the four type of resources separately (a quote for each resource), as the limit is 30% for each resource. The voluntary deposits cannot be unlimited. With 1st level of Alliance Administration, players can donate up to 5% of their net worth points in gold equivalent. This limit is increased with every level of Alliance Administration up to 33% at level 15. If the Alliance controls at least one Castle the amount is 20% unless the alliance has Alliance Administration allowing for a higher percentage.

Example: If a player has 1000 points (1 000 000 Gold equivalent) and his alliance has 1st Administration level that means he/she can donate not more than 50 000 gold. If on the next day he/she grows to 2000 net worth points, the donation limit would be 100 000.

Apart from war declaration and agreements signing, these funds can be used for ordering Alliance Technologies, affecting all members. Thus, if certain player has already researched 5th Fortification level, and his Alliance has 1st level of the same Technology, the player uses the Fortress walls fortification bonus of 6th level, but doesn’t have the necessary levels of the Technology to allow the construction of 6th Fortress level, where 6, personal and not alliance, Fortification levels are required.

Members can also donate diamonds to the alliance treasury. Donating is limited to 340000 diamonds per day. Purchased and expiring diamonds can be donated to the alliance treasury. Once donated, purchased diamonds are considered expiring for 336 hours. The expiring diamonds are donated with their current duration.

Alliance Ranking

Based on Alliance net worth points - the overall sum of all members’ individual net worth points.

Based on military points won from wars or battles where alliance troops are engaged.

Based on alliance value - the current net worth value of all alliance facilities and possessions: Technologies, Buildings, troops.

Trade balance – transfer of gold between allies

Players can send or receive gold using the Caravan Station. When a player with higher net worth points sends gold to a player with lower amount of net worth points, the first pays a commission of 10%.

Example: If the player has 1000 net worth points (1 000 000 gold equivalent) their Trade balance limit is 100 000 gold which means that they can receive or send up to 100 000 gold maximum.

The Trade balance limit increases/decreases in accordance to the net worth increase/decrease of the player.

Example: At day 1 a player is worth 1000 points and can receive or send up to 100 000 gold. At day 2 the player grows to 2000 points which automatically increases their limit to 200 000 gold. If at day 1 the player receives 100 000 gold, their balance will be used up and the player won’t be able to receive anymore. At day 2 the player will be able to receive 100 000 more gold because their new balance limit has grown up to 200 000 gold due to the net worth increase. The same thing applies if a player loses net worth points.

Transfer of gold is taxed. The closer to their limit a player is, the more gold will be lost during transferring. The sender will be notified about the amount of gold that will be lost due to taxes.

Gold can be sent with Supply wagons and will be received at the Caravan Station.

NB! In order to successfully transfer gold, you need a Caravan Station and supply wagons. Gold is sent from Gold transfer tab of the Caravan Station.

Some useful tips for all warrior wannabes in an Alliance

Do not leave your army in the fortresses if you are in war. Or at least do not garrison your weak fortresses, because you will offer an easy target for your enemies.

Do not wage wars against too weak alliances - you can win very few points, while risking a lot.

Destroy the enemy fortresses, empty or not, points are earned.

Try to destroy the enemy field army, this will unite your hands to start knocking his fortresses down afterward. Keep your army safe for these very reasons, unless you are certain that nobody can overcome it.