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- 木材、铁以及石料生产的人力。
- 人口纳税(税率由各个玩家独立决定)。
- 军队征募所需的新手。
- 基本的人口增长计算公式如下:1x目前人口/1000+50 (1x意味着乘以世界的速度)。研究的医学等级多允许5%人口增长。农场减少因饥饿而失去的人口。
- 所有建筑物和一些研究需要木材。
- 训练军事单位需要木材。
- 雇佣在伐木场里的工人产生木材。
- 一些建筑物、研究和所有军事单位需要铁。
- 雇佣在矿里的工人产生铁。
- 建造要塞的主要资源。
- 一些建筑物和研究需要石料。
- 雇佣在采石场产生石料。
- 100个平民的基本生产率:10木材/10铁/10石料。
- 王国的都城有所有资源的固定生产率红利为10%
- 生产率可以通过下面方式提高:
- 开启优惠会员(需钻石)提高10%。
- 要塞升级——每个等级以一定的 % 提高生产率。不过,上述的 % 不能超过60%。
- 联盟生产率研究升级(如玩家参与联盟)——每个等级给所有盟员提供2%生产率红利。
- 这游戏的货币。可由税收产生:工人纳税,税率按玩家自己的判断决定。有6个税率。黄金还可通过贸易和在银行存款产生。
- 无业的人口不纳税。黄金产生和管理都击中在都城。宝库也只在都城,而纳的税直接到宝库里。使用在建造、研究和军队保养费上所需的黄金也自动从宝库里取出(不需运输)。黄金还可以通过建造并吞行省之间或都城和从属国的贸易之路获取。由贸易的收入直接存到都城的宝库里。如果宝库有负差额(如由于已付的保养费),那么玩家无法建造、做研究或征募军队,直到负余额清零。
- 购买优惠会员:提供许多非优惠会员不可用的红利,如下:
- 10%生产率红利
- 10%人口增长红利
- 10%军队进攻力红利
- 给予10%军队防御力的红利
- 所有行省加10每天幸福感分
- 使驿站容量加倍
- 以20%减少军队训练时间,以20%增加兵营容量
- 每天可以购买附加物:
- 立即建完:提前开始使用某个建筑物。这功能只能用于剩下少于06个小时的建筑物。一个建造小时需要170粒钻石。
- 立即训完:提前完成单位的训练。当王国收到攻击时,这功能无法使用。只有序列里的第一部队可以立即训完。所有剩下少于6个小时需要170粒钻石。
- 立即到达
- 立即建立远处领地
- 王国商人:允许你以850粒钻石的代价立即销售木材、铁和石料的市场功能。当王国受到攻击时,该功能无法使用。
- 在寺庙里每天打开多于1件礼物。如果你已经至少收到了3次免费礼物,那么以680粒钻石的代价会收到打开第二件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次680粒钻石的礼物,那么以2550粒钻石的代价会收到打开第三件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次2550粒钻石的礼物,那么以4250粒钻石的代价会收到打开第四件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次4250粒钻石的礼物,那么以8330粒钻石的代价会收到打开第五件礼物的机会。如果你已经至少收到了3次8330粒钻石的礼物,那么以16830粒钻石的代价会收到打开第六件礼物的机会。
- 10小时生产:每12个小时,你可以单次拿到相当于资源的生产率x10的资源量。
- 打开假期模式
- 在广场上举行影响到行省幸福感的大节日节目。每天只能举行一次大节日节目。节日节目的影响力由广场的等级提高——每个等级增加2幸福感分。
- 投降——给予在特定的时段内由一定的敌人攻击守护你的王国。在16.8小时的时段内,最多只能投降10次。第一次投降是免费的,接下来的每次投降将会比前一次贵1700粒钻石。
- 钻石捐赠——允许盟友们以捐赠钻石的方式互相帮助。捐赠通过联盟宝库实现,不受限制,不过购买的钻石才能捐赠。每一位盟友每天可以捐赠340000粒钻石。
- 收纳的钻石——所有用其他方式收到的钻石(除了用优惠会员菜单里的购买钻石分页上描述的方式),如:由教程、完成任务、幸运之轮、礼品时期时朋友送你的钻石、从联盟宝库里取出的等钻石算是收纳的钻石。
- 少于50 分的幸福感——每个幸福分递增发生导致征税(直到幸福再恢复原状)起义的2%可能性(列如:49分时增加2%,48分时增加4%等)。
- 少于20分的幸福感——每个幸福分递增发生导致暂停生产、征募和建造(直到幸福再恢复原状)叛乱的2%可能性(列如:19分时增加2%,18分时增加4%等)。
- 积极的:
- 低税率
- Inborn talent Emperor (always capital’s governor) and inborn talent Successor (when the heir/ess is appointed governor in a province)
- Gubernatorial skills (Logistician, Social worker, Spiritual leader)
- Modifiers from positive terrain bonuses
- Army presence in the province
- Fortress level in the province
- Monuments
- University levels (3 levels give 1 point Happiness; the limit is 10 points Happiness)
- Bonus from wonder
- Ownership of a special resource terrain - establishment of province, colony or trading post.
- Activating premium - gives + 10 happiness points
- High levels of Sovereign’s Honor – every 100 Honor give 1 Happiness. Limit – 5.
- Under the influence of one of your own Alliance’s Castles – +5 Happiness every day.
- 广场的大型节日组织:+3幸福
- 王朝婚姻:+5幸福
- 将殖民地变为不可摧毁的:+10幸福
- 被捕获的伟大之人的赎金:+10幸福
- Negative:
- High tax rates
- Negative Honor of the player – minus 5 Happiness in case of 100 or more negative honor points.
- Locked province - minus 5 Happiness with effect on all Empire’s territories.
- Under enemy Alliance Castle influence (while in war) – minus 5 Happiness with effect on all Empire’s territories.
- 国王/皇后死亡:-10幸福
- 总监/防御将军死亡:-5幸福
Single time Happiness modifiers:
- Positive
- Construction of Fortress
- Construction of Farms – each new farm grants 1 Happiness
- 在广场上举办一次性的节日节目
- Stopping pillages with victorious battle in defense - +10 Happiness points but only for the first Pillage during 24h period.
- Disbanded army
- Victorious War – +10 Happiness points for each member.
- Fortress repair (only when repaired for the first time during a 24h period) - +5 Happiness.
- New annexed province or colony (influencing the whole Empire) - +20.
- +5 Happiness for each captured enemy General in all holdings;
- Negative
- Army recruitment
- Pillaged province – the percent pillaged population is equal to the Happiness points taken away. The maximum Happiness loss is 30.
- Lost battle – global -5 Happiness but just for the first lost battle for a 24 hour period.
- Lost War – minus 10 Happiness with influence on the whole empire.
- War declaration – minus 10 Happiness for all members
- Lost Fortress siege (the first one lost during a 24 hour period) – minus 5 Happiness.
- Lost colony – minus 10 Happiness
- Lost Trading post - minus 5 Happiness
- -5 Happiness for each General, captured by the enemy in all holdings;
Only the working population pays taxes. Tax income is recalculated each time the tax rated is changed, so gold income and effect (positive or negative) on Happiness are accounted immediately. This means that if you had low tax rate at 2 o`clock and changed it to high at 3 o`clock, between 2 and 3 o`clock your gold income and Happiness loses will respond to the low tax rate, after 3 o`clock they will respond to the high tax rate. Gold income and Happiness loses are estimated every minute. Equal parts of gold are given according to the current number of working population, not the number at the moment of setting the tax rate, so population growth as well as killed population in case of an enemy pillage are taken into account. Gold accumulates in the capital’s treasury and it is taken automatically from there for the development of Buildings and Technologies, and for army Upkeep, no matter where you are in the empire.
- 第一比率(免税)—— 提供+5幸福感红利。
- 第二率比(高——每100个工人/小时之1在已并吞的行省)——需要10幸福感分。
- 第三率比(高——每100个工人/小时之2在已并吞的行省)——需要20幸福感分。
- 第四率比(高——每100个工人/小时之3在已并吞的行省)——需要30幸福感分。
- 第五率比(高——每100个工人/小时之4在已并吞的行省)——需要50幸福感分。
- 第六率比(很高——每100个工人/小时之5在已并吞的行省)——需要75幸福感分。
The peaceful way
- Resource Production
- Exacting tax from the holdings
- Deposit of gold
- Trade
- Income from tribute coming from vassals of the empire. It is not accumulated automatically in the capital’s treasury. The user must collect it by himself.
- 从野蛮人营地里掠夺资源。
- Looting independent city
- Looting of other users’ empires, conduct Fortress Siege battle.
- Pillaging enemies’ Empires.
- Ordering Buildings and Technologies
- Army recruitment
- Army upkeep
- Destroyed Fortress repair.
- Founding a colony
- Planning Festivals
- Paying off credits and bank interest.
A building the player get loans from or deposit gold in. The bank can be built after researching Loaning level 1 and Depositing level 1.
• 30 upgradаble levels;
• Each level increases the maximum amount of loans that can be taken by 2,5%, starting at 20% at level 1. It also increases the maximum amount of gold that can be deposited.
The maximum amount of gold that can be loaned depends on the level of the Bank and the empire’s current gold income. At Bank level 1 can be taken a loan equal to not more than 20% of the gold income for the selected period of time. Each level Bank increases that percent. The repayment occurs over the same period of time that has been selected. Repayment periods between 12 and 96 hours can be chosen. Only one loan can be taken at a time. The interest rate on loans can be decreased by researching higher levels of the technology Loaning.
每个研究5级银行业的玩家可以将自己的黄金存放银行里。如此做,存放的金额将会给其拥有者累计利息。最少可存的金额为100黄金,而最多的则50 000 000. 黄金可被存着的时间为1或2小时。假期模式中时,上述的一段时间暂时停止计算,而重新开启账户后时间继续计算。总监技巧“银行家”可起得到利息红利的作用。红利的金额取决于技巧的等级*。允许的存款高达10个。全部存款的金额不可超高50 000 000黄金。利息是存款的到期日后来计算的。
The bonus only affects the amount of the interest and not the whole amount of the deposit (deposited sum + interest).
Protection modes
Beginner’s protection
An option that can be activated from one task in the Tutorial and is also available for all players under 1000 points from the battle reports. The option expires automatically when the account reaches 1000 net worth points or when 168 hours from the activation have passed. Accounts under beginner protection cannot be attacked. If you send an attack, your Beginner protection will be terminated. This means that other players will be able to attack you. Players in beginner protection appear with baby carriage icon in ranking.
Holiday protection
An option that can be activated by every player but only during holidays previously announced by Game of Emperors team and for limited periods determined by Game of Emperors. While activated, the account cannot be attacked neither can send attacks. Meanwhile, the account can be accessed, buildings can be constructed, researches can be ordered, army can be recruited etc. All attacks sent to the respective Empire before the activation will still be performed.
Vacation mode
Both, Vacation mode and Holidays protection, can be activated solely if you currently don’t have troops on a mission, except evasion and movement between holdings. Please, note that army upkeep will be taken on evasion and movement mission during a vacation mode.
The protection which every Emperor, who has got back to his Empire from an absence of at least 2 weeks, receives automatically upon logging into his account. Forbids all attacks to and from the Empire. Strict duration - 48 hours. Totally free.
Legal help from a friend with your economic development. You can babysit four different accounts and have 4 players (by your own choice) babysit your account. The babysitters log into your account with their user name and their password, so there is no need for you to give your password to anybody any time.
Babysitter’s rights and limitations:
- 充分的权利的监督者可以实行一切真正的所有人也可以实行的操作,除:
- 更改账户设置;
- 在另一世界中注册新的账户;
- 退出所有人参与的联盟;
- 假如被监督的账户是联盟的盟长,监督者不能开除盟员;
- 监督者可以用到宝库的钻石资源捐赠操作,除匿名捐赠;
- 解放从属国。 - Babysitter with limited rights:
- can read the news but cannot mark them read;
- can open the polls but cannot vote;
- cannot report other users’avatars, comments or write on other users’ profiles from the babysitted account;
- cannot recall an army sent to a mission;
- cannot use the paid option for instant arrival of a mission meant to establish a holding;
- cannot use the option for instant transport of resources;
- cannot recall army sent on an alliance mission;
- cannot enter the menu for all buildings under construction;
- cannot use the instant training option;
- cannot change the account settings;
- cannot register an account from a pop-up invitation;
- cannot delete bookmarks, change them or share them;
- cannot use the paid extras from premium menu;
- cannot read or write messages in the Tribune, Private, Notes or Announcements sections of the Messages menu;
- cannot end building or researches with diamonds;
- cannot disband units;
- cannot enter in the temple;
- can take only a small loan but cannot use the pay off option;
- cannot use the options in the alliance menu.
Legal babysitters’ individual rights can be set in General settings menu >> Personal settings >> Babysitting tab. The babysitting settings can be changed at any time, at your own discretion.
Net Worth Points
Represent the current strength of a player.
They are earned by constructing buildings, researching and recruiting soldiers.
They are calculated as follows:
- 1 net worth point =1000 gold / 1000 wood / 1000 iron / 1000 stone spent on buildings or research
* The net worth points earned for buildings and technologies depend on their base price, without taking into account the levels of Architecture and University. - 1 net worth point =500 gold / 500 wood / 500 iron / 500 stone spent on army recruitment.
Only the highest levels of these buildings in the whole realm are considered wonders and appear on the Global map near their owners‘ Empires.
- 神秘的方尖碑:5每天幸福感分红利
- 火的峰顶:以5分提高幸福感上限
- 天塔:-10%研究时间
- 太阳金字塔:-10%建造时间
- 黎明的宫殿:+10%农场效率
- 伟大的将军:-10%军队训练时间
- 伟大的骑手:-10%军队进行时间
- 黄金的角楼:给所有的间谍100%效率红利
- 神秘的土地:寺庙的奖励大10%
- 龙的封锁:所有进攻者扣10士气分
- 故宫:贸易和从属国黄金收入加50%红利
- 胜利大门:士气加5分红利
- 生活花园:人口增长加10%红利
- 厄运寺庙:第一轮的攻击加10%红利
- 战争坟墓:军队保养费少5%
- 古代天文台:所有物流加10%范围红利
- The Aqueduct*: 50% bonus to Trade and Vassal income, 10% bonus to Farm Effect, 10% bonus to Population Growth;
- The Warmaster’s Altar*: -10% Army Travelling Time, 5% less Army Upkeep, 10% Attack Bonus in Round 1 of the battle.
* Bonuses of these 2 Wonders will stack with bonuses from other existing wonders. For example if you own both The Aqueduct and The Palace of Dawn you will get a total of 20% bonus to Farm effect.
If you own the highest levels of The Mystical Obelisk and The Fire Summit in the realm and The Mystical Obelisk is your active wonder, The Fire Summit becomes automatically your active wonder, when another player builds a higher level of The Mystical Obelisk than yours. If you own the highest levels of more than two special buildings in the realm and your active wonder is The Mystical Obelisk, the system randomly switches your active wonder to one of your rest special buildings with highest levels, when another player builds a higher level of The Mystical Obelisk than yours. Though, you can activate the wonder you wish to at any time.
特殊建筑物的基本费用是8 000 000黄金当量。每个等级的费用则不同,这意味着第一个等级需要黄金、第二个需要木材、第三个需要铁、第四个需要石料、第五个黄金等。*
Every following level’s gold equivalent is 10% higher, as the basic price is taken into account, not the price lowered by the Architecture.
Weather Forecast
Just like in modern life, the weather played a vital role in the Medieval life. It affected the food production, the living conditions and the military campaigns. Thus, the weather has an important role in the lives of all Rulers in Game of Emperors, by applying different positive and negative bonuses upon all the Empires in all Realms on a daily basis. The Weather Forecast module shows what the weather conditions in the Realm will be in the next 5 days of the Era and what positive/negative bonuses upon the Economy and Military will be applied globally.
Weather Forecast | 经济 | 军事模型 |
Sunny |
Rainy |
Windy |
Foggy |
Snowy |