Game of Emperors has 30 official language versions. Language can be set from the top menu on the home page or from the language menu in the right lower corner from the Village map by selecting the respective flag.
Last espionage report
It is available in the Espionage screen and presents the condition of the province/colony/independent city/military post from the moment it was previously spied, therefore the last espionage report might be outdated.
1. Alliance’s commander-in-chief. He has all the rights an alliance structure can offer. His special bonus is 10 Morale but the actual extent depends on the loyalty status.
For more information about leader’s rights and benefits click here.
2. Common word for all leaders in 2nd loyalty stage.
Leaders’ wing
Alliance structure unit consisting of the Leader and the First Officer. Leaders’ wing members have individual special bonuses.
The Ladder Ranking system of each Realm. For more information read here.
Level of experience
Experience that governors and generals earn on their posts is divided into levels. There are 20 levels for all governors (additional 10 are available to the Emperor). Generals' levels follow the same pattern.
The necessary experience points for all levels can be found here.
Levels of the global accounts
These levels are relative to all realms in which a player has an account with the same username. They will never disappear and will never get lower. Experience for the account is gained in several ways:
- gathering net points;
- gathering military points;
- elimination of enemy spies.
For every newborn baby noble you get 20% bonus experience in the account for six hours in the corresponding realm.
After reaching a certain level of the account, you win various extras, bonuses and prizes in the game.
Liberated Population
The Liberated Population is given as a reward for defeating a Barbarian Slaver Camp. It will appear in your Hoard, where it can be received immediately or at a later date.
When you choose to receive the Liberated Population, it will be added to the Local Population of your currently selected holding.
Military rank conferred to players with 15 000-22 499 military points.
Lieutenant General
Military rank conferred to players with 325 000-499 999 military points.
Military rank conferred to players with 75 000-99 999 military points.
Light Archer
Army Unit.
Trained in: Archery Barracks
Prerequisites: Ranged Attack 1
• Type: Ranged, Infantry, Archer
• Priority Deployment: Archery Line
Unit Abilities:
+ Long Range: This unit has 1 extra Attack in Field Battle or Fortress Assault, before melee begins
+ Higher Ground: If garrisoned, this unit is boosted during Fortress Assault – Attack x 4
+ Suppressing Fire: During Fortress Assault, this unit can attack the garrisoned defenders with Attack x 0.2
+ Rain of Arrows: Attack x 3 vs. Spearmen
- Vulnerable to Swordsmen: Against this unit the Attack of all Swordsmen is increased
- Vulnerable to Cavalry: Against this unit the Attack of all Cavalry is increased
- Hand-to-Hand Disadvantage: Attack x 0.33 vs. Swordsmen
- Weak Morale: Attack x 0.33, when engaged by a Melee unit
- Quiver: 18 shots; when ammo is depleted, this unit maintains its position until engaged in melee
For detailed unit stats, click here.
Light Cavalry
Army Unit.
Trained in: Cavalry Barracks
Prerequisites: Melee Attack 1, War Horses 1, Army Drills 2
• Type: Melee, Cavalry
• Priority Deployment: Flank (Frontline)
+ Charge: This unit is boosted in the first round of combat – Attack x 1.2
+ Close Combat: Attack x 4 vs. Archers
+ Equestrian Combat: Attack x 2 vs. Swordsmen
+ Maneuverable: This unit is boosted when fighting in a Flank – Attack x 1.3, Hit Points x 1.3
- Vulnerable to Spearmen: Against this unit the Attack of all Spearmen is increased
- Short Reach: Attack x 0.17 vs. Spearmen
- Light Troop: This unit suffers penalties when fighting in a Center – Attack x 0.8, Hit Points x 0.8
- Rider: This unit cannot attack during Fortress Assault
- Close Quarters Disadvantage: This unit suffers penalties during Fortress Sacking – Attack x 0.5, Hit Points x 0.5
For detailed unit stats, click here.
Light Spearman
Army Unit.
Trained in: Infantry Barracks
Prerequisites: Melee Attack 1, Army Drills 2
• Type: Melee, Infantry, Spearman
• Priority Deployment: Flank (Frontline)
+ Polearm: Attack x 2 vs. Light Cavalry
- Vulnerable to Archers: Against this unit the Attack of all Archers is increased
- Hand-to-Hand Disadvantage: Attack x 0.5 vs. Swordsmen
- Light Troop: This unit suffers penalties when fighting in a Center – Attack x 0.8, Hit Points x 0.8
For detailed unit stats, click here.
Light Swordsman
Army Unit.
Trained in: Infantry Barracks
Prerequisites: Melee Attack 1
• Type: Melee, Infantry, Swordsman
• Priority Deployment: Center (Frontline)
+ Forlorn Hope: Attack x 2 vs. Fortresses
+ Assault Troop: This unit is prioritized in Frontline composition during Fortress Assault
+ Close Combat: Attack x 2 vs. Archers
- Vulnerable to Cavalry: Against this unit all Cavalry has Attack x 2
For detailed unit stats, click here.
Light unit
The lowest military unit class. Defends and attacks most easily light Fortress class levels – 1, 2, 3.
Light units are: light archers, light spearmen, light swordsmen, light cavalry and battering rams.
Link to invite your friends
A link to invite friends who want to play along with you in the same realm is placed in tab Account info in the Settings menu. For every 10 levels that your friend reaches you will be rewarded an increasing amount of diamonds or items. These apply for newly registered accounts only, i.e. if your friend already had an account in the game you will not receive any reward. You are allowed to receive up to 3 Invite Friend rewards per month.
Bank credit. A certain amount of gold the bank lends you. You must pay it off for a selected period of time at equal payments per hour. You can pay it off in advance as well. You cannot take another loan if you are still in debt to the bank. The loan extent depends on the Empire's production and the level of the bank. The technology Loaning decreases interest rate on loans taken from the bank.
For more information about loans click here.
Loan payment
The amount of gold the Empire pays off automatically to the bank every hour.
Local effect
An effect applied to just one holding or province.
Locking attack
It's an attack which prevents the defender from using their Premium options such as instant transportation, instant research, instant building etc. If the gold equivalent of the attacking army is at least 5% of the gold equivalent of the defender's net worth, the defender will not be able to transport resources and move their army instantly. If the gold equivalent of the attacking army is at least 10% of the gold equivalent of the defender's net worth, the defender will not be able to use premium options and run more than one research /building at a time, in any holding. The locking only occurs in the last 30 minutes in which the attack is visible, before the impact. In alliance attacks the gold equivalent of the attacking army must be at least 1% of the defensive alliance value's gold equivalent (the alliance value multiplied by 1000), as the number of units sent by the attacker must be minimum 50 000. The locking will occur only in the last 30 minutes for realms with speed x4/10 minutes for speed x10 before the battle instead of during the whole period in which the attack is visible.
*Locking attacks on the main empire (capital and annexed provinces) lock the Premium options in all holdings. Locking attacks on remote holdings (colony, trading post or military post) don't prevent the defender from using their Premium options in the main empire or another remote holding from a different type than the attacked one. For example, locking attack sent to colony, will lock the Premium options in all colonies, but they will be available in the main empire, trading posts and military posts.
During global events, in case of locking attack on any holding, the options for instant attacks with diamonds and reduced time travel with items are not available for the missions sent against the global event.
One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Decreases the loss of Colony Happiness incurred by distance to the Capital. Level 1: -4% Happiness loss; Level 2: -6% Happiness loss; Level 3: -10% Happiness loss; Level 4: -14% Happiness loss; Level 5: -20% Happiness loss
Getting hold of some of the gathered resources in another user's province/colony or an independent city by successful Fortress Siege (destroying the fortress and winning the battle against the garrison). Players can loot from the independent cities in their exclusive zone or outside their borders, from other active players’ annexed provinces/ colonies and from abandoned empires. Looting implies appropriating resources to the limit of the attacker army's carrying capacity, on one hand, and outside the preserved capacity of the defender, on the other.
The Game of luck where every hour the luckiest player wins the exclusive prize of the equivalent of their 100-hours resource production in gold. The lots are drawn among players in all realms. The names and realms of all lucky winners are publicly displayed in Winners tab of the Tavern menu.
Low tax rate
Third tax level. 300 gold for 100 workers per hour. Takes 15 Happiness away per 24 hours.
Loyalty status
Shows how loyal towards alliance’s cause each member is. The Loyalty is calculated based on the time spent in the alliance and is divided into three stages which determine the special and Happiness bonuses’ extents. Abandoning the alliance and joining it again or changing the position inside the same alliance resets the bonuses and the Loyalty status counter is restarted.
For more information about Loyalty stages and bonuses click here.
Lumber Mill
Economic Building.
Type: Local, Production
Prerequisite Technologies: Architecture 1
Maximum Level: 35
Allows the production of Wood resource. Each level increases the Worker Capacity of the building.