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Great people
The Great people are the elite and the ruling class of your empire. Every empire has its own Great people - an emperor, nobles, members of the Imperial court, who are at different ruling posts. These people are born and in their turn die, and new people appear to replace them. In the building Palace you can see all your nobles. From there you are able to appoint them to certain posts and thus they will grant you bonuses to the empire’s military and economic development. You can marry them to other people and in this way you can sign dynasty peace treaties with other players.
The chance of dying by natural causes appears at the age of 50 and increases with age. The Medicine technology decreases this chance with a certain percentage.
Imperial family
Every user starts the new season with automatically generated family that includes the Emperor, the Empress, their first-born heir and an infant. The royal family of each player has a family tree, which depicts 4 generations and consists of the direct descendants of the imperial couple - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The member of the Imperial family tree can enter into marriages with members of the Imperial family or nobles form the imperial court of another player, i.e. a marriage between Great People of two different empires is possible.
- The emperor is the greatest among all Great people and he is the ruler of the empire. The emperor, apart from being the head of the empire, can occupy other positions. He is the governor of the capital from the beginning of the season and this gives him experience points from the very start. There’s no need to appoint him on this position and you cannot take it away from him. The emperor can also take the position of general in attack or defense. As Warden General, he can protect only the capital. As a general in attack you can send him to invasion missions to other users. When he is appointed at one of these positions, he receives bonuses which no one else in the empire can get.
- The emperor has some gubernatorial skills which are exclusive only for him and no other governor can acquire them. The emperor has another additional characteristic - Disgraceful, only acquired by him. It can be earned more than once and its effect accumulates. This feature is not hereditary and is acquired when dynasty marriage terms are violated and dynasty peace is broken.
- An emperor doesn’t live forever. Sooner or later he is succeeded by an heir. An heiress can become an empress as well. The selection of an heir/heiress is done automatically by the system or manually by the player.
- The emperor can be assassinated, meaning that a coup d’état could be performed and a new emperor could be appointed. In this case the player takes the decision to assassinate his own emperor aiming an early succession to the throne.
Succession to the throne
When the emperor dies, his successor automatically becomes the first-born child of the Imperial couple. However, you may choose to select the empress, one of the grand-children or one of the noblemen or a more distant relative as a successor. The heir ascending the throne can be also appointed automatically by the system. If you choose to crown one of the noblemen or the other relatives, there will be a change in the Imperial family tree as well, unless you appoint a member from the royal family. The heir disposes of one hereditary trait which is exclusive to him and no one else can acquire it.
Automatic succession
- If the emperor is alive but has no living children but only grandchildren and great-grandchildren, his heir is chosen at random by the system among all his living grandchildren.
- If the emperor dies and he has children, his first-born son or daughter is crowned emperor/empress and becomes the head of the family tree (along with his/her wife/husband).
- If the emperor dies but he has no children, his elder brother or sister automatically becomes an heir/heiress and goes to the top of the family tree along with his/her spouse.
- If the emperor dies but he doesn’t have any children, brothers or sisters, then his heir is selected randomly from the list ’Other relatives of the Imperial family’.
- If the emperor and the heir die, and their only relative had been sent out before their death abroad for dynasty marriage, a new imperial family will be generated. One of the following options are possible for the royal member sent abroad:
- If the marriage proposal is not accepted, the sent relative disappears from your empire and won’t come back.
- If the marriage proposal is accepted, even though the Great Person doesn’t have any living relatives in his fatherland, the dynasty peace is considered signed.
- If after the death of an emperor who didn’t have any heirs, a Great person chosen randomly to be his successor doesn’t have his own heirs (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brothers or sisters), then his successor will be appointed from the list ’Other relatives of the Imperial family’.
Manual succession
- If the Emperor dies but the player appointed his wife - the Empress to be crowned and vice-versa if the Empress dies but her husband is the appointed successor, the widow/widower cannot marry again. She/He continues to mourn for the rest of her/his life.
- If the emperor dies and the appointed Crown Heir is a Noble who is married to one of the emperor’s children, the name of the dynasty will change, and the Noble becomes the new Emperor/ Empress.
Other relatives of the Imperial family
With the the newly crowned Emperor the Great people’s society changes as well. All relatives of the passed away or the dethroned emperor are moved to a special menu in the Palace, named ’Other relatives of the Imperial family’.
- If they were married and their spouse is dead, they cannot enter into a new marriage. All others, who are with bachelor status can get a husband/wife.
- They cannot have children.
- They can be selected for an heir/heiress to the Emperor.
- They can be appointed generals or governors.
Dynasty marriages
Every Great Person after turning 16 years old can marry someone and after that have up to 4 children born. The members of the family tree cannot enter into marriage with each other (with their relatives). This is valid also for noblemen from the list ’Other relatives of the Imperial family’. Once a marriage is settled it is irreversible. This means that when a user marries one Great person to another there is no way this marriage can be cancelled. If one of the spouses dies, the other receives the social status widow/widower and cannot enter into marriage again.
Once a marriage between two empires is concluded, it means that the users have made peace and mustn’t attack or spy each other.
Every user can send his Great people to enter into marriage in other empire. Signing of marriages means declaration of peace between the two empires and strengthening of the bonds. You can send single Great people if they: have reached the age of majority; they don’t have any previous marriages; they are not sent to other mission outside the empire; they are not in the process of training and upgrade of their levels with resources; they are not assigned as governor or general. There is also the condition that they are members from the Imperial family or nobles from the list ’Other relatives of the Imperial family’. Emperor and his heir can’t enter into marriage in other empire.
One user can send N Great people to other players’ empires as long as there are free slots in the ’Marriage Candidates’ queue. In this queue there are 3 slots altogether. When one proposal is declined, a next proposal between both empires is forbidden for the next 3 hours. The player can ignore the marriage proposal. This happens in a passive way, which means that he doesn’t need to perform any specific action. The marriage proposal is considered ignored 3 hours after it was sent and no further action - either acceptance or rejection, was taken by the receiver. As a result of the passive ignore, no dynasty marriage is allowed between the two empires for another 3 hours.
The peace between dynasties finishes peacefully when the Great people who have been sent abroad and all their successors die. All relatives of such a person must die so that the peace ends. When the peace is thus over by natural cause, there is no Honor subtraction and the emperor doesn’t receive the trait Disgraceful.
Disruption of the dynasty marriage/peace
Peace is broken upon spy activities and attack between both empires. The empire which broke the peace with sending an attack or spy mission bears the following consequences:
- The user who breaks the dynasty peace is punished with -10 honor points.
- The emperor of the empire, which broke the peace, receives a specific trait - ’Disgraceful’ and it stays intact in his profile until his death.
If a user ’A’ has signed a dynasty peace with user ’B’ and user A tries to spy user B unsuccessfully, then B will have the right to break the peace by his own accord without any penalties because he wasn’t the one to interfere. When user B breaks the dynasty peace with user A, A bears the following consequences: loss of 10 points Honor and acquisition of the trait ’Disgraceful’ in his emperor’s profile.
The user A and user B have concluded dynasty marriage. A spies on B and successfully infiltrates them in B’s empire. B sees the spies of A in counter-espionage tab and when clicking on the button to catch the spies, the dynasty peace is considered broken. A takes the specified penalties.
Users can confront their aggressors choosing form the list in tab ’Aggressors’. The first attack against them won’t have any negative effect of honor penalty. Keep in mind that the punishment with 4 Honor points for Pillage attack always applies.
The Nobles are Great People from the nobility of the empire who earned fame in battle or in society. They can enter the Imperial Court only after the player approves them. There are 8 places in the Court for such Nobles. When the user is at a lower stage of his palace’s development, there is a restriction as to how many Nobles he can add. The Nobles can be released to open up space for new ones. The user can kick out members from the list Imperial Court (all accepted Nobles) regardless of the level of the Palace and thus he can make room for new members. If the user hasn’t accepted the Court Candidate for 5 hours, he/she disappears from the Family tree window.
The Nobles can marry members of the Imperial Family. When a Noble marries to a member of the Emperor’s family tree, he becomes part of the family and he can be appointed as Crown Heir. Nobles that are only part of the Imperial Court cannot succeed the Emperor.
Common citizens from around the empire have the chance to become Nobles. The system suggests men and women who can be added to the Imperial Court. After every won battle against a player within net points range x2, there is a 25% chance for the system to generate a Noble. After every won battle against a player out of the net points range x2, there is a 3% chance for the system to generate a nobleman. After every won battle against an independent city, there is a 3% chance for the system to generate a Noble. Every 12 hours there is a 25% chance for the system to generate a Noble.
Noble Room
A place, where new Court Members can be acquired. It is placed at the upper part of the screen (as well as in the Tavern). Here is how it functions:
• You can buy caskets that will guarantee that you will receive Great people;
• The age and inborn talents of the the great people are assigned randomly;
• The rarer casket you open, the bigger the chance of getting a great person with the same rarity you’ll have;
• There is a chance to get a great person with a sixth inborn talent;
• Great People, acquired from the Noble Room, can be added to a section in the Castle, which has unlimited slots;
• Nobles from the Noble Room, who are marriage candidates, are placed in the Nobles bar, located below the family tree.
Names of the Great People
The names of the Great People include given name and surname, generated automatically by the system. When marrying to her husband, a woman takes his family name. (There is an exception for Arabic realms where women retain their surname.) When children are born they take their father’s name. If for a successor of the emperor is chosen one of his sons or a nobleman, then his children will always bear his surname. If the player chooses an heiress (emperor’s daughter or a lady-in-waiting) and after she succeeds the throne she marries to a Noble or a member of the Imperial family, her children will receive her surname.If the daughter of the emperor or a noblewoman had been married to a Noble or a member of the Imperial Family before she was appointed Crown Heir, then her children will have the family name of their father.
The palace is the place where all Great People live. It can be built only in the Capital. In this building you can find information about every Great person in the empire and an archive of previously ruled emperors. The special bonuses the Imperial family gives are also available from there. From the palace you can appoint governors and generals, you can raise their levels of experience and can order marriages and choose heirs. The basic price for the building is 250 wood, 250 iron and 500 stone. The highest possible level is 30. From the Palace, the players have the opportunity to create and develop their own royal family and appoint noblemen on different positions. There are two additional wings which can be built in every palace: Gubernatorial Headquarters and Headquarters.
Gubernatorial headquarters
Each level after the first one of the Gubernatorial headquarters increases the received experience from training by 5%. Each 2 levels allow for the simultaneous training of an additional great person. The highest possible level is 16. At level 16 up to 8 great persons can be trained simultaneously. The fist level of the building requires Palace level 1.
At the beginning every governor has 1st level experience and the gubernatorial headquarters are at level 0. The player can raise the level of experience of his governors by gathering points from the time they are at the post or by paying for their training. In order to provide paid training the user needs to build the Gubernatorial headquarters. The system allows the player to choose the period for training (between 1 and 48 hours) and based on the period the amount of experience he/she will get.
The governor is a Great person who is entitled to govern a province, a colony or a trading post. Every Great person can be appointed for governor only to one province, colony or trading post. The Great person can take such a post when he attains his majority. The emperor, who by default is the governor of the capital, cannot be appointed as such to other provinces, colonies or trading posts. The governor can be entitled Offensive or Warden General. One and the same Great person can be at the same time a governor and a general of the same province or colony. On the other hand, he cannot be a Governor and Warden General at two different places and cannot be appointed a Warden General for more than one place. The experience of governor starts to amass from the appointment on the post. The governors gain points for their governing time. One experience point is earned for 0.3 min. The highest experience a governor can achieve is 20. The emperor has a bonus to this limit - he can reach up to 30 experience levels.
Note: The experience of governor is only earned while the Great person is on the post. If the player did not appoint him to the position or the Great person entered into battles in this time, no experience is acquired.
Each level after the first one of the Headquarters increases the received experience from training by 5%. Each 2 levels allow for the simultaneous training of an additional great person. The highest possible level is 16. At level 16 of the Headquarters up to 8 great persons can be trained simultaneously. The fist level of the building requires Palace level 1.
At the beginning all generals have 1st level experience and the headquarters are at level 0. The player can raise the level of experience of his generals by gathering points by leading battles or by paying for their training. In order to provide paid training the user needs to construct the Headquarters. The system allows the player to choose the period for training (between 1 and 48 hours) and based on the period the amount of experience he/she will get.
To be appointed for general the Great person must have come of age. There are two types of generals:
- Offensive general: a governor of the attacking army against other provinces, colonies or military posts. Every Great person can be Offensive general at one place only. When an Offensive general loses a fortress siege, field battle or pillage attack, there is a 5% chance that he might fall slayed. The emperor is no exception and he can be appointed offensive general as well. When an emperor, appointed as Offensive general, loses fortress siege, field battle or pillage attack, there is a 1% chance that he might fall slayed. The user can entitle the Offensive general upon sending an attack. These general will take part in the battle against other players. The appointed general participating in the attacks affect the whole army with their special bonuses from skills. Once an attack is finalized, the user should select again an offensive general for his next attack. The post is not permanent and is only valid for the specified attack. In case the offensive general dies before the attack hits, the general will not participate in the battle. With one attacking army you can send only one general. Every Great person can be an Offensive general for only one mission at a time. A Great person can be a governor and can be sent as an Offensive general from the same province, colony or military post. And he can be a governor at one place and sent in attack from another. However, he can never participate in two attacks at the same time.
- Warden General - a leader of the army defending the capital, a province, a colony or military post. A Great person can be Warden General in only one province/colony/military post. If a Warden general loses a fortress siege, field battle or pillage attack, there is a 1% chance that he might fall slayed. The users can appoint Great people for Warden Generals who will protect the chosen province/colony/military post. Every Great person who has come of age (16 years old) can be entitled Warden General. This is valid for the emperor as well. When an emperor, appointed as Warden general, loses fortress siege, field battle or pillage attack, there is a 0% chance that he might fall slayed. These generals always participate in the battles against the domain they are dispatched in. If the user doesn’t want his general to participate in the a defensive battle, he must release him from the post. If there is no Warden General appointed, the battle is performed as usual without the general’s bonuses having effect.
There can be only one Warden General in the same province, colony or military post. A Great person can be a governor and Warden General for one and the same province or colony. On the other hand, he cannot be a Governor and Warden General at two different places and cannot be appointed a Warden General for more than one place.
The governor’s and general’s bonuses of the Great person affect only the holding where he is assigned on these positions.
A Great person can be both a Warden General and offensive general. However, when he is sent on a mission, and at the same time there is an incoming attack against the province/colony/military post he is protecting, he will not participate in the defense and therefore, the army won’t be affected by his skills.
A Great Person can take the post of Governor and Warden General in the same holding and governor and offensive general in different holdings at the same time. The army in the province of which he is Warden General, won’t receive the corresponding defensive bonuses while he is on attacking mission performing his offensive general duties. During this time his general’s bonuses will affect only the army he is sent with. After the attack is finished and the Great person returns, his defensive bonuses will be in effect again.
When the users is sending an attack, his most skilled and experienced general is selected by default. If the user doesn’t explicitly choose another general instead, he will send his strongest general on the mission.
Generals’ experience
The experience on the post General is gathered with every won battle against other players in range x2, independent city or Barbarian Camp.
- For each battle, a particular ’pool’ of Experience to be gained is calculated for both the attacking and defending Generals; after the battle is resolved, the victor gains 100% of their XP pool, while the defeated receives only 40% of their own XP pool
- The Points difference between the players is crucial: the weaker your opponent - the less XP you will gain, and vice versa
- The difference in current General levels is taken into account: lead your newly-minted General to victory over the opponent’s battle-hardened veteran, and your Great person is sure to learn a lot from the experience
- Army size matters: don’t expect your General to level up if he defeats a near-empty Garrison
- Grim are the lessons of war: both your and your enemy’s casualties contribute to the XP pool.
- The longer the battle, the more XP is there to be gained. Each round of battle increases the XP pool. No Experience is gained for battles that are over in 6 rounds or less.
- An attacker that manages to destroy the opponent’s Fortress will gain additional XP, based on the Fortress Level destroyed. The destruction of higher Fortress levels yields a greater XP bonus
- Experience gained against NPCs is 25% less than the one that would be gained in a similar battle against a player
- No battle can yield more than 2,000XP for a General
A general will receive experience points for successful battle against independent city only once. This means that if the same general leads a second or consequent battle against the same independent city, he won’t get any points. If another general leads the mission towards the same independent city, he will gain experience because it will be his first battle against it. And again for any further missions there he won’t attain any experience points. A general can triumph over several different independent cities and then he’ll receive points from each one.
Every Great person in the palace gathers experience from the posts of governor and general. The experience for both posts is measured with points. The more points are gathered, the experience level is higher. Every post has 20 grades and every grade requires specific amount of points. The emperor is the only exception where there are up to 30 levels for both posts.
When a Great person attains the age of majority, he is at 1st grade general and 1st grade governor which gives the player the right to choose one skill for each post. After that the raising of grades is possible only after a person is appointed at the position. Every next level unlocks the possibility for one more skill to be added. A level up for the general releases one general’s skill and a new level for the governor grants one more gubernatorial skill.
A Great person must gain 200 experience points at the post governor/general, in order to advance to 2nd level of experience. The necessary points per level are shown in the table below this paragraph. 1 experience point at the post governor is earned every 0.3 minutes.
Experience General / Governor | ||
Level | Great people | Emperor |
1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 200 | 200 |
3 | 465 | 422 |
4 | 795 | 666 |
5 | 1 190 | 932 |
6 | 1 650 | 1 220 |
7 | 2 175 | 1 530 |
8 | 2 765 | 1 862 |
9 | 3 420 | 2 216 |
10 | 4 140 | 2 592 |
11 | 4 925 | 2 990 |
12 | 5 775 | 3 410 |
13 | 6 690 | 3 852 |
14 | 7 670 | 4 316 |
15 | 8 715 | 4 802 |
16 | 9 825 | 5 310 |
17 | 11 000 | 5 840 |
18 | 12 240 | 6 392 |
19 | 13 545 | 6 966 |
20 | 14 915 | 7 562 |
21 | - | 8 180 |
22 | - | 8 820 |
23 | - | 9 482 |
24 | - | 10 166 |
25 | - | 10 872 |
26 | - | 11 600 |
27 | - | 12 350 |
28 | - | 13 122 |
29 | - | 13 916 |
30 | - | 14 732 |
Paid experience upgrade
Players can pay for a higher level of experience of their generals and governors. The paid training is performed in the Palace.
The player can choose the period for training (between 1 and 48 hours) and based on the period of the experience points he/she will get (listed in the table below). Each level after the first one of Headquarters/Gubernatorial headquarters increases the received experience from training by 5%. Each 2 levels of Headquarters/Gubernatorial headquarters allow for the simultaneous training of an additional great person. At level 16 of the respective building up to 8 great persons can be trained simultaneously.
1 |25
2 |35
4 |55
8 |80
(These are the base values for speed x1 - you need to multiply them according to the speed of your realm.)
A Great person can be trained for governor or general even if he is not appointed to the post. In such cases, the experience upgrade can happen only through paid training. When not on the post, the Great person doesn’t gain any experience points. The training doesn’t interfere with the general’s or governor’s other duties. While a governor is in training he remains on his post and the province he is in charge of receives his bonuses. While a Warden General is in training, he continues to protect the province and participates in the defense in case of enemy attack. A general can be sent on an attack mission while his training is running and it won’t be interrupted. While the generals and governors are trained, they cannot be sent to other empires to marry there. The trainings can be shortened with the use of diamonds and the price is 850 diamonds for less than 1 hour remaining.
Each Great person may own between 1 and 4 inborn traits which are called talents. The Great person owns these inborn talents from his birth. The talents are inherited randomly. The chance for a Great person to be born with a bigger number of talents increases with raising Castle’s level. The Great person owns their inborn talents from their birth to their death and they cannot be changed. The emperor may also acquire the additional trait - Disgraceful. This trait is gained when dynasty peace is broken and it is not passed on to next generations.
Every inborn talent corresponds to a skill. If a Great person owns an inborn talent and its corresponding skill, then he receives the summed up bonus. In this way the people who possess both the talent and its corresponding skill, get a higher bonus than those who only own the talent or the skill alone.
Example: A Great person owns a talent and its corresponding skill. His skill is at level 3 and gives him 10% of the bonus. The talent for the same skill grants him 5% of the same bonus. Thus when he will get altogether 15% of the same bonus.
There are special talents which only some of the Great people can acquire. These specific traits are not related to any skill but give a unique bonus to their owner. These special talents are:
- Successor - this trait is owned solely by the successor of the throne. The bonus which is ranted by it is +5 morale in every battle and +5 happiness daily in the province he is governing.
- Emperor - this trait is an exclusive possession of the emperor. The bonus which the emperor earns is +10 morale in every battle and +10 happiness points in the capital (The emperor is always governor of the capital.).
- Disgraceful - this trait is acquired by the emperor upon breaking dynasty peace. It can be earned more than once and then the effect is accumulated. When a new emperor is crowned this trait is not passed on. The penalty is -5 morale in battle.
Skills of the Great people
Skills are features that a Great person acquires throughout his whole life. Great people can attain skills by leveling up there experience at the post governor or general. At the beginning of the game they don’t own any skills. When they reach a next level of experience, they are granted a new skill. The new skill is selected out of generated skills by the player’s own choice and it grants specific bonuses.
There are two types of skills: gubernatorial skills and skills of the generals. Every Great person can acquire skills of both types. Every skill has exactly five grades and each of them is acquired separately. When a Great person reaches next level of experience for general or governor, the player gets the opportunity to select among 2 different skills. When a Great person levels up at the post governor, there will be a choice of 2 gubernatorial skills, and when he levels up his general’s experience, 2 generals’ skills will be offered.
The 2 suggested skills include both already acquired skills which might need upgrade or new skills. The player can select only one of the two skills. The first of the two offers the improvement of already attained skill. The second will be a new one and therefore at grade 1 of the skill. When the general or governor still doesn’t have any acquired skills, all 2 skills are randomly generated and all of them are new.
If the Great person owns only skills that are 5th level, the system will generate 2 new skills to choose from. If the Great person has only one skill (and it is not developed to level 5), the system will offer its upgrade and another not yet developed random skill. If the Great person has developed levels (not at level 5 though) of all skills but one, the system will generate one random skill to upgrade and the remaining one not yet acquired skill. If the Great person owns all possible skills at levels 1 to 4, the choice will be between 2 random skills from all.
If the offered skills are not satisfactory for the player, new ones can be generated for the price of 1700 diamonds. When an Emperor dies or get assassinated, and another great person becomes Emperor, the change of skills is free of charge on condition that the Emperor / Empress has any skills. This is a single time free reset. The suggested skills can be changed up to 3 times for 1700 diamonds per change. The user can erase at any time all skills the Great person has attained. Both gubernatorial and general’s skills can be nullified. This happens separately for both posts. The price to reset the skills is 3400 diamonds. This option is activated in the respective governor or general’s tab in the profile of the Great person.
* In case bonuses from skills exceed 90%, which is possible with an additional bonus from government Monarchy, they will have maximum effect of 90%.
The selection of the skills is done from the profile of the Great person.
Nullifying of the skills doesn’t nullify his experience. The experience cannot be taken away in any way.
In order for the bonus from the skill to take effect, the Great person must have spent 1 hours on his post.
Types of skills
General Skills:
- Archer Commander: Increases the Attack of all Archer units. Level 1: +2% Attack; Level 2: +4% Attack; Level 3: +6% Attack; Level 4: +10% Attack; Level 5: +15% Attack
- Infantry Commander: Increases the Attack of all Spearmen and Swordsmen units. Level 1: +2% Attack; Level 2: +4% Attack; Level 3: +6% Attack; Level 4: +10% Attack; Level 5: +15% Attack
- Cavalry Commander: Increases the Attack of all Cavalry units. Level 1: +2% Attack; Level 2: +4% Attack; Level 3: +6% Attack; Level 4: +10% Attack; Level 5: +15% Attack
- Siege Specialist: increases the limit of Siege Engines which can attack a Fortress simultaneously. Level 1: +2% limit; Level 2: +4% limit; Level 3: +6% limit; Level 4: +10% limit; Level 5: +15% limit
- Attacker: increases the Morale of the army when attacking. Level 1: +2 Morale; Level 2: +4 Morale; Level 3: +6 Morale; Level 4: +8 Morale; Level 5: +12 Morale
- Defender: increases the Morale of the army when defending. Level 1: +2 Morale; Level 2: +4 Morale; Level 3: +6 Morale; Level 4: +8 Morale; Level 5: +12 Morale
- Fortress Guardian: increases the Hit Points of the Fortress. Level 1: +4% Hit Points; Level 2: +6% Hit Points; Level 3: +10% Hit Points; Level 4: +14% Hit Points; Level 5: +20% Hit Points
- Slayer of Generals: Increases the chance of slaying the opposing General if you win the battle. Level 1: +5% chance; Level 2: +10% chance; Level 3: +20% chance; Level 4: +30% chance; Level 5: +50% chance
- Fugitive: decreases the chance for the General to be captured or slain if you lose the battle. Level 1: -5% chance; Level 2: -10% chance; Level 3: -15% chance; Level 4: -20% chance; Level 5: -25% chance
- Pillager: increases the Pillage Strength of the army. Level 1: +4% Pillage Strength: Level 2: +6% Pillage Strength; Level 3: +10% Pillage Strength; Level 4: +14% Pillage Strength; Level 5: +20% Pillage Strength
- Robber: increases the Carrying Capacity of the army. Level 1: +4% Carrying Capacity; Level 2: +6% Carrying Capacity; Level 3: +10% Carrying Capacity; Level 4: +14% Carrying Capacity; Level 5: +20% Carrying Capacity
- Guide: increases the Speed of the traveling army. Level 1: +4% Speed; Level 2: +6% Speed; Level 3: +10% Speed; Level 4: +14% Speed; Level 5: +20% Speed
- Garrison Tactician: increases the Garrison Capacity of the Fortress. Level 1: +4% Garrison Capacity; Level 2: +6% Garrison Capacity; Level 3: +10% Garrison Capacity; Level 4: +14% Garrison Capacity; Level 5: +20% Garrison Capacity
- Field Tactician: increases the Hit Points of the Field Army. Level 1: +1% Hit Points; Level 2: +2% Hit Points; Level 3: +4% Hit Points; Level 4: +6% Hit Points; Level 5: +10% Hit Points
- Offensive Tactician: increases the Attack of all units in the attacking army. Level 1: +1% Attack, Level 2: +2% Attack, Level 3: +4% Attack, Level 4: +6% Attack, Level 5: +10% Attack
- Defender of Civilians: increases the number of preserved civilians, allowed by the Fortress level, during enemy pillage. Level 1: +10% civilians; Level 2: +20% civilians; Level 3: +30% civilians; Level 4: +40% civilians; Level 5: +60% civilians
- Defender of Resources: increases the amount of preserved resources, allowed by the Fortress level, during enemy looting. Level 1: +10% resources; Level 2: +20% resources; Level 3: +30% resources; Level 4: +40% resources; Level 5: +80% resources
- Military Post Manager: increases the deployment limit for troops in a Military Post. Level 1: +2% limit; Level 2: +4% limit; Level 3: +6% limit; Level 4: +10% limit; Level 5: +15% limit
- Defensive Tactician: increases the Attack of all units in the defending army. Level 1: +1% Attack, Level 2: +2% Attack, Level 3: +4% Attack, Level 4: +6% Attack, Level 5: +10% Attack
Governor Skills:
- Archery Instructor: decreases the Training time for all Archer units. Level 1: -5% Training time; Level 2: -10% Training time; Level 3: -15% Training time; Level 4: -20% Training time; Level 5: -30% Training time
For this skill to take effect, the Governor is required to spend at least 6 hours in realm with speed x4/2 hours in realm with speed x10 in office.
- Siege Machines Maker: decreases the Training time for all Siege Engine units. Level 1: -5% Training time; Level 2: -10% Training time; Level 3: -15% Training time; Level 4: -20% Training time; Level 5: -30% Training time
For this skill to take effect, the Governor is required to spend at least 6 hours in realm with speed x4/2 hours in realm with speed x10 in office.
- Infantry Instructor: decreases the Training time for all Spearmen and Swordsmen units. Level 1: -5% Training time; Level 2: -10% Training time; Level 3: -15% Training time; Level 4: -20% Training time; Level 5: -30% Training time
For this skill to take effect, the Governor is required to spend at least 6 hours in realm with speed x4/2 hours in realm with speed x10 in office.
- Cavalry Instructor: decreases the Training time for all Cavalry units. Level 1: -5% Training time; Level 2: -10% Training time; Level 3: -15% Training time; Level 4: -20% Training time; Level 5: -30% Training time
For this skill to take effect, the Governor is required to spend at least 6 hours in realm with speed x4/2 hours in realm with speed x10 in office.
- Wood Cutter: increases Wood Production. Level 1: +2% Production; Level 2: +4% Production; Level 3: +6% Production; Level 4: +8% Production; Level 5: +12% Production
- Miner: increases Iron Production. Level 1: +2% Production; Level 2: +4% Production; Level 3: +6% Production; Level 4: +8% Production; Level 5: +12% Production
- Stone Cutter: increases Stone Production. Level 1: +2% Production; Level 2: +4% Production; Level 3: +6% Production; Level 4: +8% Production; Level 5: +12% Production
- Tax Collector: increases the Gold generated from taxes. Level 1: +2% Gold; Level 2: +4% Gold; Level 3: +6% Gold; Level 4: +8% Gold; Level 5: +12% Gold
- Spiritual Leader: grants a daily Happiness bonus. Level 1: +2 Happiness; Level 2: +4 Happiness; Level 3: +6 Happiness; Level 4: +8 Happiness; Level 5: +12 Happiness
- Farmer: increases the Farms capacity. Level 1: +2% capacity; Level 2: +4% capacity; Level 3: +6% capacity; Level 4: +8% capacity; Level 5: +12% capacity
- Architect: increases the Houses capacity. Level 1: +4% capacity; Level 2: +6% capacity; Level 3: +10% capacity; Level 4: +14% capacity; Level 5: +20% capacity
- Bureaucrat: increases the holding’s Efficiency (up to 100%). Level 1: +4% Efficiency; Level 2: +6% Efficiency; Level 3: +10% Efficiency; Level 4: +14% Efficiency; Level 5: +20% Efficiency
- Beloved by the People: decreases the chance for Riot or Rebellion. Level 1: -5% chance; Level 2: -10% chance; Level 3: -20% chance; Level 4: -30% chance; Level 5: -50% chance
- Colonizer: decreases the Conversion time for a Colony to become Indestructible. Level 1: -4% Conversion time; Level 2: -6% Conversion time; Level 3: -10% Conversion time; Level 4: -14% Conversion time; Level 5: -20% Conversion time
- Logistician: decreases the loss of Colony Happiness incurred by distance to the Capital. Level 1: -4% Happiness loss; Level 2: -6% Happiness loss; Level 3: -10% Happiness loss; Level 4: -14% Happiness loss; Level 5: -20% Happiness loss
- Master of Trade: increases the Trade Potential of the holding. Level 1: +4% Trade Potential; Level 2: +6% Trade Potential; Level 3: +10% Trade Potential; Level 4: +14% Trade Potential; Level 5: +20% Trade Potential
- Resource Merchant: increases the Marketplace Capacity. Level 1: +10% Marketplace Capacity; Level 2: +20% Marketplace Capacity; Level 3: +30% Marketplace Capacity; Level 4: +40% Marketplace Capacity; Level 5: +60% Marketplace Capacity
- Secret Agent: grants bonus Counterespionage levels. Level 1: +1 level; Level 2: +2 levels; Level 3: +3 levels; Level 4: +4 levels; Level 5: +5 levels
- Imperial Worker: increases the Happiness limit. Level 1: +2 Happiness limit; Level 2: +4 Happiness limit; Level 3: +6 Happiness limit; Level 4: +8 Happiness limit; Level 5: +12 Happiness limit
- Farm Specialist: adds bonus to Farms capacity: Level 1: + 1,000 capacity, Level 2: + 2,000 capacity, Level 3: + 4,000 capacity, Level 4: + 6,000 capacity, Level 5: + 10,000 capacity
Emperor Skills:
These skills are only available to the Emperor.
- Supreme General: increases the Experience gain for all Generals. Level 1: +2% XP gain; Level 2: +4% XP gain; Level 3: +6% XP gain; Level 4: +10% XP gain; Level 5: +15% XP gain
- Supreme Governor: increases the Experience gain for all Governors. Level 1: +2% XP gain; Level 2: +4% XP gain; Level 3: +6% XP gain; Level 4: +10% XP gain; Level 5: +15% XP gain
- Beloved by the Gods: increases the Temple rewards. Level 1: +1% rewards; Level 2: +2% rewards; Level 3: +4% rewards; Level 4: +6% rewards; Level 5: +10% rewards
- Civilian Scientist: decreases Research times at the University. Level 1: -1% Research times; Level 2: -2% Research times; Level 3: -4% Research times; Level 4: -6% Research times; Level 5: -10% Research times
- Military Scientist: decreases Research times at the Military University. Level 1: -1% Research times; Level 2: -2% Research times; Level 3: -4% Research times; Level 4: -6% Research times; Level 5: -10% Research times
- Military Economist: decreases the Upkeep of all troops. Level 1: -1% Upkeep; Level 2: -2% Upkeep; Level 3: -4% Upkeep; Level 4: -6% Upkeep; Level 5: -10% Upkeep
- Banker: increases the interest of Bank Deposits. Level 1: +1% interest; Level 2: +2% interest; Level 3: +4% interest; Level 4: +6% interest; Level 5: +10% interest
- Transport Expert: increases the Caravan Station capacity in all holdings. Level 1: +5% capacity; Level 2: +10% capacity; Level 3: +15% capacity; Level 4: +20% capacity; Level 5: +30% capacity
Civilian Builder: decreases the Construction time of Economic Buildings. Level 1: -1% Construction time; Level 2: -2% Construction time; Level 3: -4% Construction time; Level 4: -6% Construction time; Level 5: -10% Construction time
For this skill to take effect, the Emperor is required to spend at least 24 hours in office.
Military Builder: decreases the Construction time of Military Buildings. Level 1: -1% Construction time; Level 2: -2% Construction time; Level 3: -4% Construction time; Level 4: -6% Construction time; Level 5: -10% Construction time
For this skill to take effect, the Emperor is required to spend at least 24 hours in office.
- Scouting Agent: increases Scouting radius: Level 1: +4 Imperial Miles, Level 2: +6 Imperial Miles, Level 3: +10 Imperial Miles, Level 4: +15 Imperial Miles, Level 5: +25 Imperial Miles
- Spy Master: grants bonus Espionage levels. Level 1: +1 level; Level 2: +2 levels; Level 3: +3 levels; Level 4: +4 levels; Level 5: +5 levels